OK, so it's clear that so far, I have not been great at writing a blog! I am always thinking 'Ooh! That could be put on my blog!' and then wandering off on a virtual tangent. Before I know it, my last post was 6th August. As a teacher....could do better.
I am much the same in regards to teaching. I often think, 'Right, I am going to have a life this weekend and not do ANY work' but then along come 30 essays by Y11 that have to be marked to be added to the 'I'll-catch-up-at-the-weekend-pile'.
But, as I've had the summer to myself (I know, even worse that I haven't written anythng for ages), I've spent a delightful few weeks doing what I like. And that included a morning spent wandering the shops of Trentham Gardens (if you've never been, go at once!). I picked up a book that looked lovely - I always judge a book by its cover! - and took it home to read with a cup of tea.
It's been a long time since a book inspired me so much. 'The Wonderful Weekend Book' by Elspeth Thompson is full of beautiful ideas for things to do at the weekend; once you've decided to reclaim it, that is. I was so inspired that I decided to e-mail the author to tell her. When I logged on to her website (www.elspeththompson.co.uk) I was so shocked to learn that she had sadly died in March of this year.
It seems that her story was so sad and it made me realise that life really is too short. Too short to ignore writing, too short to worry about what flowers I'm going to have at the wedding, too short to feel guilty about buying not one, but two pairs of the most gorgeous boots at Cheshire Oaks, too short to spend every single weekend working, too short to put off starting a business............I could go on!
So here's to a new start, both in my life and in my blog!